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Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Green in College

So I know I said i would have pictures of my dorm up for the next post, but that just isn't happening right now. College has kept me plenty busy this past, as has launching my Youtube channel,
Life on campus has been pretty nice. I've met a bunch of cool people, had some great food, used the rec center quite a lot, and enjoyed a variety of campus activities. One thing that bugged me about it though was the apparent lack of green initiative. Recycling bins are far and few between. The only "green" thing about UA is it large amount of green space that was planted recently. UA's greeness ends there.
So while I try to find the person or people I need to get something rolling here, I started little eco-friendly practices in my dorm room.

1) I put one the boxes i used to move in under my bed to be a paper recycling box. Whenever I go home I take the paper with me.

2)Next to the paper box is another box for plastic bottles. Next time I go home I'm gonna bring back another one for cans

3)All of my electronic...stuff is plugged into a power-strip so at night or when I'm at classes I can turn the power-strip off and use less... vampire energy I believe its called. (everything except for the fridge...that needs to stay on)

4)This is the one that is hardest for me, taking short showers. At home my incentive (so-to-speak) was to keep our water bill down. At Akron, there is no water bill...for me at least. So it is taking all of my will power to keep showers relatively short.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

You Tube Channel


click it
subscribe to it
enjoy it

all my videos will be uploaded here

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


So tomorrow I move into my dorm at Akron U.
The whole thing is bittersweet really. I'm excited that its a dorm and me and such, but now I can't see all my cool peeps everyday D:

oh well that's why skype was invented
once i get pix of my dorm room I'll try to upload them

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Upper Peninsula of Michigan

Okie Dokie, Picture time.

So at the beginning of the month me and my family went to Grand Marais, Michigan for vacation. While up there we visited numerous waterfalls, hiked through miles of forest and sand dunes, and saw the pictured rocks. The upper peninsula is amazing. The coast of it is hardly developed and everything is just beautiful......except the horseflies from hell...but that's another matter entirely. So to view the pictures in the order they were taken scroll down to the bottom of the post and proceed to scroll up to look at them. Otherwise scroll down and vicariously enjoy the awesomeness that is the upper peninsula of Michigan.
The links will take you to a site that will tell you more about the subject of the photo

Taken about around a half hour later than the pic below this one

A beautiful sunset over Lake Superior
Taken around 9:30 P.M.

A cool waterfall...I forget the name of this one

Another waterfall. The upper peninsula is full of them

Miners Castle taken form the platform behind it. Part of the Painted Rocks

Miners Falls. Located near Miner's Castle oddly enough

Not quite sure how this happened

Taken on Hurricane River Beach...a Floating Tree

On Hurricane River Beach there are all these ship wrecks that are scattered along the beach.
The area had a very eerie feeling to it

Kinda Creepy

These ship wrecks are well over 100-110 years old

A shot looking straight down from the top of the lighthouse

When the lighthouse was decommissioned the lighthouse service, now the Coast Guard, completely destroyed the interior.
The National Park Service is now working on restoring the interior.

The Au Sable Lighthouse.
It warned ships of a sand stone "reef" that extended out from shore for about a mile.
I got to go up into it

"Hey dude"
I stood right next to that sign

The Log Slide a.k.a. The Devil's Slide
A 500' drop to Lake Superior.
I slid down and climbed all the way back up.
And yes, you were allowed to...
it just wasn't recommended that you do if you aren't ready for 45 minutes of intense climbing

Just to show the scale of things. (scale provided by my family)
Its about a 600' straight drop to the lake

This is showing a transition area where the forest turns into the dunes

This was taken along the trail to the Grand Sable Dunes
(which are actually growing each year)

Grand Sable Falls

We were on this road for about an hour. Taken around 9:00 at night

For whatever reason it perfectly fits in with its surroundings

This is the sun breaking through clouds.
Taken as we drove over the Straits of Mackinac

Monday, August 9, 2010


My laptop came in recently so I've been trying to get everything transferred over.
Once that is done you will get Michigan pics and what not.

One last note I move into my dorm on the 19th...wish me luck!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Back from Michigan!

So for the past few days I have been on a much needed vacation with my family in the upper peninsula of Michigan.

It was amazing, we went swimming in Lake Superior every day and ...it was great

expect pics and more detail in the next couple of days